Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Module that sets tensorflow working environment and exports inportant constants."""

import ctypes
import os
import platform
from importlib import (
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from packaging.version import (

from deepmd.env import (
from deepmd.env import get_default_nthreads as get_tf_default_nthreads
from deepmd.env import (
from deepmd.env import set_default_nthreads as set_tf_default_nthreads
from deepmd.env import (

    from types import (

def dlopen_library(module: str, filename: str):
    """Dlopen a library from a module.

    module : str
        The module name.
    filename : str
        The library filename pattern.
        m = import_module(module)
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        libs = sorted(Path(m.__path__[0]).glob(filename))
        # hope that there is only one version installed...
        if len(libs):

# dlopen pip cuda library before tensorflow
if platform.system() == "Linux":
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cuda_runtime.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cublas.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cublas.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cufft.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.curand.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cusolver.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cusparse.lib", "*")
    dlopen_library("nvidia.cudnn.lib", "*")

# keras 3 is incompatible with tf.compat.v1
# 2024/04/24: doesn't import tf.keras any more

# import tensorflow v1 compatability
    import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

except ImportError:
    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tfv2
except ImportError:
    tfv2 = None

__all__ = [

# Python library version
[docs] tf_py_version = tf.version.VERSION
except AttributeError: tf_py_version = tf.__version__ # subpatterns: # \1: type of centeral atom # \2: weight name # \3: layer index # The rest: types of neighbor atoms # IMPORTANT: the order is critical to match the pattern
[docs] EMBEDDING_NET_PATTERN = str( r"filter_type_(\d+)/(matrix)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(\d+)/(bias)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(\d+)/(idt)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(matrix)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(matrix)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(matrix)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(bias)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(bias)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(bias)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(idt)_(\d+)_(\d+)|" r"filter_type_(all)/(idt)_(\d+)|" )[:-1]
# subpatterns: # \1: layer index or "final" # \2: type of centeral atom, optional # the last: weight name
[docs] FITTING_NET_PATTERN = str( r"layer_(\d+)/(matrix)|" r"layer_(\d+)_type_(\d+)/(matrix)|" r"layer_(\d+)/(bias)|" r"layer_(\d+)_type_(\d+)/(bias)|" r"layer_(\d+)/(idt)|" r"layer_(\d+)_type_(\d+)/(idt)|" r"(final)_layer/(matrix)|" r"(final)_layer_type_(\d+)/(matrix)|" r"(final)_layer/(bias)|" r"(final)_layer_type_(\d+)/(bias)|" # TODO: supporting extracting parameters for shared layers # not sure how to parse for shared layers... # layer_name r"share_.+_type_\d/matrix|" r"share_.+_type_\d/bias|" r"share_.+_type_\d/idt|" r"share_.+/matrix|" r"share_.+/bias|" r"share_.+/idt|" )[:-1]
# subpatterns: # \1: weight name # \2: layer index
[docs] TYPE_EMBEDDING_PATTERN = str( r"type_embed_net/(matrix)_(\d+)|" r"type_embed_net/(bias)_(\d+)|" r"type_embed_net/(idt)_(\d+)|" )[:-1]
[docs] ATTENTION_LAYER_PATTERN = str( r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_query)/(matrix)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_query)/(bias)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_key)/(matrix)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_key)/(bias)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_value)/(matrix)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_value)/(bias)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_out)/(matrix)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(c_out)/(bias)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(layer_normalization)/(beta)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(layer_normalization)/(gamma)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(layer_normalization)_\d+/(beta)|" r"attention_layer_(\d+)/(layer_normalization)_\d+/(gamma)|" )[:-1]
[docs] TRANSFER_PATTERN = ( EMBEDDING_NET_PATTERN + FITTING_NET_PATTERN + TYPE_EMBEDDING_PATTERN + str( r"descrpt_attr/t_avg|" r"descrpt_attr/t_std|" r"fitting_attr/t_fparam_avg|" r"fitting_attr/t_fparam_istd|" r"fitting_attr/t_aparam_avg|" r"fitting_attr/t_aparam_istd|" r"model_attr/t_tab_info|" r"model_attr/t_tab_data|" ) )
def set_mkl(): """Tuning MKL for the best performance. References ---------- TF overview Fixing an issue in numpy built by MKL check whether the numpy is built by mkl, see """ try: is_mkl = ( np.show_config("dicts") .get("Build Dependencies", {}) .get("blas", {}) .get("name", "") .lower() .startswith("mkl") ) except TypeError: is_mkl = "mkl_rt" in np.__config__.get_info("blas_mkl_info").get( "libraries", [] ) if is_mkl: set_env_if_empty("KMP_BLOCKTIME", "0") set_env_if_empty("KMP_AFFINITY", "granularity=fine,verbose,compact,1,0") reload(np) def get_tf_session_config() -> Any: """Configure tensorflow session. Returns ------- Any session configure object """ set_tf_default_nthreads() intra, inter = get_tf_default_nthreads() if int(os.environ.get("DP_JIT", 0)): set_env_if_empty("TF_XLA_FLAGS", "--tf_xla_auto_jit=2") # pip cuda package if platform.system() == "Linux": try: m = import_module("nvidia.cuda_nvcc") except ModuleNotFoundError: pass else: cuda_data_dir = str(Path(m.__file__).parent.absolute()) set_env_if_empty( "XLA_FLAGS", "--xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir=" + cuda_data_dir ) config = tf.ConfigProto( gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True), intra_op_parallelism_threads=intra, inter_op_parallelism_threads=inter, ) if Version(tf_py_version) >= Version("1.15") and int( os.environ.get("DP_AUTO_PARALLELIZATION", 0) ): config.graph_options.rewrite_options.custom_optimizers.add().name = "dpparallel" return config
[docs] default_tf_session_config = get_tf_session_config()
[docs] def reset_default_tf_session_config(cpu_only: bool): """Limit tensorflow session to CPU or not. Parameters ---------- cpu_only : bool If enabled, no GPU device is visible to the TensorFlow Session. """ global default_tf_session_config if cpu_only: default_tf_session_config.device_count["GPU"] = 0 else: if "GPU" in default_tf_session_config.device_count: del default_tf_session_config.device_count["GPU"]
def get_module(module_name: str) -> "ModuleType": """Load force module. Returns ------- ModuleType loaded force module Raises ------ FileNotFoundError if module is not found in directory """ if platform.system() == "Windows": ext = ".dll" prefix = "" # elif platform.system() == "Darwin": # ext = ".dylib" else: ext = ".so" prefix = "lib" module_file = (SHARED_LIB_DIR / (prefix + module_name)).with_suffix(ext).resolve() if not module_file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"module {module_name} does not exist") else: try: module = tf.load_op_library(str(module_file)) except tf.errors.NotFoundError as e: # check CXX11_ABI_FLAG is compatiblity # see # ABI should be the same if "CXX11_ABI_FLAG" in tf.__dict__: tf_cxx11_abi_flag = tf.CXX11_ABI_FLAG else: tf_cxx11_abi_flag = tf.sysconfig.CXX11_ABI_FLAG if TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG != tf_cxx11_abi_flag: raise RuntimeError( "This deepmd-kit package was compiled with " "CXX11_ABI_FLAG=%d, but TensorFlow runtime was compiled " "with CXX11_ABI_FLAG=%d. These two library ABIs are " "incompatible and thus an error is raised when loading %s. " "You need to rebuild deepmd-kit against this TensorFlow " "runtime." % ( TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG, tf_cxx11_abi_flag, module_name, ) ) from e # different versions may cause incompatibility # see #406, #447, #557, #774, and #796 for example # throw a message if versions are different if TF_VERSION != tf_py_version: raise RuntimeError( "The version of TensorFlow used to compile this " f"deepmd-kit package is {TF_VERSION}, but the version of TensorFlow " f"runtime you are using is {tf_py_version}. These two versions are " f"incompatible and thus an error is raised when loading {module_name}. " f"You need to install TensorFlow {TF_VERSION}, or rebuild deepmd-kit " f"against TensorFlow {tf_py_version}.\nIf you are using a wheel from " "pypi, you may consider to install deepmd-kit execuating " "`pip install deepmd-kit --no-binary deepmd-kit` " "instead." ) from e error_message = ( "This deepmd-kit package is inconsitent with TensorFlow " f"Runtime, thus an error is raised when loading {module_name}. " "You need to rebuild deepmd-kit against this TensorFlow " "runtime." ) if TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG == 1: # #1791 error_message += ( "\nWARNING: devtoolset on RHEL6 and RHEL7 does not support _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1. " "See" ) raise RuntimeError(error_message) from e return module if GLOBAL_CONFIG["enable_tensorflow"] == "0": raise RuntimeError( "TensorFlow backend is not built. To enable it, " "set the environmental variable DP_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW=1." )
[docs] MODEL_VERSION = GLOBAL_CONFIG["model_version"]
[docs] TF_VERSION = GLOBAL_CONFIG["tf_version"]
TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG = int(GLOBAL_CONFIG["tf_cxx11_abi_flag"])
[docs] op_module = get_module("deepmd_op")
[docs] op_grads_module = get_module("op_grads")
# prevent OOM when using with other backends # tf.config doesn't work for unclear reason set_env_if_empty("TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH", "true", verbose=False) # FLOAT_PREC
[docs] def global_cvt_2_tf_float(xx: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Cast tensor to globally set TF precision. Parameters ---------- xx : tf.Tensor input tensor Returns ------- tf.Tensor output tensor cast to `GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION` """ return tf.cast(xx, GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION)
[docs] def global_cvt_2_ener_float(xx: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Cast tensor to globally set energy precision. Parameters ---------- xx : tf.Tensor input tensor Returns ------- tf.Tensor output tensor cast to `GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION` """ return tf.cast(xx, GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION)