Source code for deepmd.utils.batch_size

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import logging
import os
from abc import (
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from deepmd.utils.errors import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AutoBatchSize(ABC): """This class allows DeePMD-kit to automatically decide the maximum batch size that will not cause an OOM error. Notes ----- In some CPU environments, the program may be directly killed when OOM. In this case, by default the batch size will not be increased for CPUs. The environment variable `DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE` can be set as the batch size. In other cases, we assume all OOM error will raise :class:`OutOfMemoryError`. Parameters ---------- initial_batch_size : int, default: 1024 initial batch size (number of total atoms) when DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE is not set factor : float, default: 2. increased factor Attributes ---------- current_batch_size : int current batch size (number of total atoms) maximum_working_batch_size : int maximum working batch size minimal_not_working_batch_size : int minimal not working batch size """ def __init__(self, initial_batch_size: int = 1024, factor: float = 2.0) -> None: # See also PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning#1638 # TODO: discuss a proper initial batch size self.current_batch_size = initial_batch_size DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE = int(os.environ.get("DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE", 0)) if DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE > 0: self.current_batch_size = DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE self.maximum_working_batch_size = DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE self.minimal_not_working_batch_size = self.maximum_working_batch_size + 1 else: self.maximum_working_batch_size = initial_batch_size if self.is_gpu_available(): self.minimal_not_working_batch_size = 2**31 else: self.minimal_not_working_batch_size = ( self.maximum_working_batch_size + 1 ) log.warning( "You can use the environment variable DP_INFER_BATCH_SIZE to" "control the inference batch size (nframes * natoms). " "The default value is %d." % initial_batch_size ) self.factor = factor
[docs] def execute( self, callable: Callable, start_index: int, natoms: int ) -> Tuple[int, tuple]: """Excuate a method with given batch size. Parameters ---------- callable : Callable The method should accept the batch size and start_index as parameters, and returns executed batch size and data. start_index : int start index natoms : int natoms Returns ------- int executed batch size * number of atoms tuple result from callable, None if failing to execute Raises ------ OutOfMemoryError OOM when batch size is 1 """ if natoms > 0: batch_nframes = self.current_batch_size // natoms else: batch_nframes = self.current_batch_size try: n_batch, result = callable(max(batch_nframes, 1), start_index) except Exception as e: if not self.is_oom_error(e): raise e self.minimal_not_working_batch_size = min( self.minimal_not_working_batch_size, self.current_batch_size ) if self.maximum_working_batch_size >= self.minimal_not_working_batch_size: self.maximum_working_batch_size = int( self.minimal_not_working_batch_size / self.factor ) if self.minimal_not_working_batch_size <= natoms: raise OutOfMemoryError( "The callable still throws an out-of-memory (OOM) error even when batch size is 1!" ) from e # adjust the next batch size self._adjust_batch_size(1.0 / self.factor) return 0, None else: n_tot = n_batch * natoms self.maximum_working_batch_size = max( self.maximum_working_batch_size, n_tot ) # adjust the next batch size if ( n_tot + natoms > self.current_batch_size and self.current_batch_size * self.factor < self.minimal_not_working_batch_size ): self._adjust_batch_size(self.factor) return n_batch, result
def _adjust_batch_size(self, factor: float): old_batch_size = self.current_batch_size self.current_batch_size = int(self.current_batch_size * factor) "Adjust batch size from %d to %d" % (old_batch_size, self.current_batch_size) )
[docs] def execute_all( self, callable: Callable, total_size: int, natoms: int, *args, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """Excuate a method with all given data. Parameters ---------- callable : Callable The method should accept *args and **kwargs as input and return the similiar array. total_size : int Total size natoms : int The number of atoms *args Variable length argument list. **kwargs If 2D np.ndarray, assume the first axis is batch; otherwise do nothing. """ def execute_with_batch_size( batch_size: int, start_index: int ) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[np.ndarray]]: end_index = start_index + batch_size end_index = min(end_index, total_size) return (end_index - start_index), callable( *[ ( vv[start_index:end_index] if isinstance(vv, np.ndarray) and vv.ndim > 1 else vv ) for vv in args ], **{ kk: ( vv[start_index:end_index] if isinstance(vv, np.ndarray) and vv.ndim > 1 else vv ) for kk, vv in kwargs.items() }, ) index = 0 results = [] while index < total_size: n_batch, result = self.execute(execute_with_batch_size, index, natoms) if not isinstance(result, tuple): result = (result,) index += n_batch if n_batch: for rr in result: rr.reshape((n_batch, -1)) results.append(result) r = tuple([np.concatenate(r, axis=0) for r in zip(*results)]) if len(r) == 1: # avoid returning tuple if callable doesn't return tuple r = r[0] return r
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_gpu_available(self) -> bool: """Check if GPU is available. Returns ------- bool True if GPU is available """
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_oom_error(self, e: Exception) -> bool: """Check if the exception is an OOM error. Parameters ---------- e : Exception Exception Returns ------- bool True if the exception is an OOM error """